- Shift from "resistance scraping network" to "Ingress scraping network"

- πŸ‘

- I want my name. I want them to know I was here.

- we are not open for comment at this time

- OK rgr you're right. Le sigh.

- You will do your damage on G+. we all will

- i'm gonna stay anon to get juicy post-"shit hits the fan" details

- Is there an elegant way to hide IGNs of people who want them on there? Like how Niantic would hide a passcode?

- Look, this is important:

This landed in my lap, and it took me about 90 seconds to share it with all of you.

In the same vein, it's on all of us to give it to everyone else.

We don't own this, we're just taking care of it for a little while.

- Sorry for the spam @Semiotiq just didn't want to spend an hour typing names and not get it loaded.

- You are right.

- good job!

- πŸ’š

- the less factional we come across, the better. The data tells the story.

- at this time

- Thx, I figured he was full of it... But I never expected all of the other stuff I've seen in the past few days either!

- Thoughts:

Should we get international in the next 18 hours before release?

- We might be well served to have a few additional viewpoints on this.

- I'd like to get perspectives from Canda, Europe, Australia.

I don't know anyone in Asia.

- or South America. But having one representative from each of those seems...useful

- if we had good candidates.

- to the extent we're willing to include others from outside early, this is a very good idea

- it would meaningfully impact signal boost.

- there is risk, but familiarity mitigates that. We'd need to feel very good about the candidates.

- When's release date?

- If there are trustworthy folks you have in mind, by all means, bring them in.

- I'd be ok with Appletalk and Rhainedrop.

- Thursday 10/19 1 PM EDT earliest

- Echoing back the previous sentiment about the added risks with the more people we alert

- Yeah. I'm doing the risk-reward math.

- One thing we did poorly on recharge was failure to engage the international audience on the front end.

- I mean, I don't have a strong objection, just wondering if the risk is any different now than it was a few hours ago.

- I think that Enl versions of these tools are more widely spread overseas, and we're less likely to find fertile ground.

- I don't have strong reasons for this excepting the origin point of Cactus.

- This would be a matter of specifically targeting a small handful of trusted minds to provide international perspective

- Europe is +5 minimum from us so a lot of them will be headed to bed soon. Maybe we could ask them to be prepared to signal boost a major announcement in the early evening their time tomorrow - but explain details are not available until shortly before release?

- we could get their attention in time for them to review and comment

- not necessarily before sleepytimes but definitely upon waking. The kinds of people we'd be asking are as glued to their feeds as we are.

- ok, I am taking a brief break to travel and get foodstuffs.

- I thought we were worried about people blowing this up early. I'd prefer not to bring others in

- if you want to see the page preview, I need your email

- DMing

- Jillian.goldie@gmail.com

- Europe and Australia have their own agendas, I don't know that we can expect them to be coming from the same place

- ewdeschamps@gmail.com

- ok. I'm willing to accept that as unacceptable risk

- let's put gmail addresses in DM to @theprevaricator for nospam purposes

- Their buy-in would be valuable but getting it, I'm not sure

- Remember what happened with fenris and the spoof group

- the whistleblower turned to someone he thought was trustworthy and they tipped off the spoofers

- not that this would happen exactly here

- It's cool. Just floating ideas, not wedded to them.

- Thinking about how this thing looks over the next 19 hours

- Okay so more relevantly: for this WordPress site is there any reason not to put my normal email address etc?

- By noon eastern, we need to be doing final pass review on the website

- once it goes public, your email will be expunged

- its a permissions list that wont be used

- Everything Will Be Fine

- ok, sent up to now, getting in the car, please somehow orderly give me thoughts

- Wrong room, dammit

- there is some content yet to add.

- ok, so let's limit channel chatter to website review and critical new content only for a while

- My WordPress login is the same as my agent name. That won't make a difference for simply viewing, will it?

- I don't think so. Right now it's all private

- And you won't be leaving any traces

- Whistle Chatter link for off topic chats related to this...

- lol Brett beat me to it. thanks

- adding to pin

- lol, I didn't add my main acct and don't want to log into throwaway from phone

- So I guess I won't be able to obsessively review myself.

- If I didn't respond to your dm it's because I'm in the car and will send once I stop

- ok so if you have website feedback, @theprevaricator with it here and maybe #tag appropriately. There's going to be a lot of this, probably, and we need to keep it organized, and we need to not spin off another channel.

Between now and release, there's not anything currently more important than getting this right.

- @theprevaricator "The inner workings of a Ingress scraping network" an

- I fix your thing last minute out the door....

- lol

- I am deliberately leaving unsaid how any of the information was acquired.

- The less we give them to go on, the more they freak out and harder they mole hunt

- Anatomy of a hit -- I'm not sure there was an automatic ping there.

- It mentioned the username

- Which on lots of slack channel is a ping.

- Elo used to work the same way

- Our contact says they are pinged.

- But not with GH obvs

- Depending how you set your notifications

- Yeah. The broker list has spaces between letters in the name which I assume is to avoid that

- But the WB said ping so I withdraw comment, thank you.

- Not apologies to Crooch5, makes it sound like we did it. Condolences.

- This is all great, btw, am nitpicking.

- Is the roster list inclusive of this morning's data drop? There were new riot names.

- Ty. #notes

- I'm still working on the RIOT entries

- got sidetracked doing pullquotes from the WB convo

- new tab with Riot names added. Needs looked over for errors

- I really wanted to DM that guy and give him a heads up

- Nothing to be done

- oh shit I didn't understand that this is what you had done. YOu are the best person.

- Still needs sorted and cross checked against master for missing names there, and make sure I didn't fat finger any names

- yeah I'll do a quick grep to get the dupes out

- I have to help... If I just sit back and watch I am part of the problem.

- I'd like to do another page on how the bot works, how riot.one works, how radar works and what channels there are, and how omnivore works