- I’m work locked till around 5

- Will provide any useful input not otherwise provided at that point

- Strong reason for early release.

- Also the whistle blower might be less happy if we're clearly playing strategic games.

- Ha, OK. Recognizing and respecting expertise.

- That's fairly Resistance-style.

- Our PNW scraper was a wider base.

- Right now I think any assumptions will make intelligence evaluation harder.

- Yeah.

- Lots of things I would like to see.

- It is also clearly the case that the Enl bad actors in the world poison the well.

- I'm concerned about looking overly orchestrated.

- Sophistication opens the attack vector "you're just trying to drag us down."

- You know, I'd web site it.

- Do it like a security vulnerability announce.

- You can do completely anonymous sites on S3 with Amazon DNS.

- Some cost of bandwidth.

- Put the S3 bucket behind CloudFront.

- Er no

- Werong cloud

- Cloudflare.

- We had one redditor get banned for that release.

- Yep thanks.

- It's all G+.

- Enl.

- Not super-picky about which faction his accounts are, but yeah.

- It's a Slack function; you can set retention for specific channels.

- However, it requires a paid plan.

- Minimal SF Bay

- Some South Bay

- Will need to get home before digesting

- I believe but will need to confirm that Omnivore has the same command set as Russell.

- Phaseburn.

- The itso9 thing is relevant

- He recently did a big public rage thing about Vancouver Res

- Yes

- And he’s responsible for some of the programming

- GlaDOS

- So that’s interesting

- Nah

- There are Vancouver Res in this list

- It’s an incongruity. I don’t know what it means

- Julia Loverdose is

- Didn’t see mimtwin — is that a statement or a question?

- Yep

- Yeah, Omnivore is a different data set

- There is another Niantic-adjacent person in Omnivore.

- There is enough Niantic involvement in this to make it worth thinking again about release strategy.

- This is not the worst thing ever to hit an online gaming company, cheating wise, but it is up there

- And I am not saying these people deserve it or it

- But releasing this is going to be about people’s jobs.

- And leaking it outside this group the same.

- I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m saying know the consequences.

- I would not.

- When I was at Turbine we had a QA dude grant himself 100K gold during an internal only beta

- Temporary DB

- “Do that ever again and we will fire you.”

- Yeah.

- After 30 minutes or so of thought: I’d release to Krug, explicitly noting Slackfarmer and scr33n, with a 24 hour timer.

- Then I’d release.

- Nope. I could and would have IDd him.

- And scr33n has been involved with Niantic in some capacity for ages.

- Seems extremely unlikely.

- I'm gonna say again: there's a really good chance we're going to get people fired. I get it, but bad time for jokes.

- What Pongolyn said. Getting caught violating your company's TOS in pubic is a firing offense, generally.

- I know there's a lot of scrollback. That should maybe go in the pinned note.

- Niantic might make the wrong decision for whatever reason, but lying about moles would be an entirely different level of wrong decision,

- Please also recall that this is not just Ingress; this is PokemonGO.

- Yes, there are fielding tools here.

- Another decision point: if Niantic doesn't decide to take appropriate action with regard to their employer, do you go to Kotaku/Joystiq.

- Yeah. Media.

- Fuck.

- OK. Does anyone have a way to get in touch with Charlie right now, including phone number?

- Please text him with a succinct explanation of the situation.

- There are three documents in there with WB as owner, I understand how it happened, Charlie needs to move them somewhere else and unshare with us in the next five minutes.

- I am making copies right now.

- I have moved them out of the folder.

- Five minutes is a window during which WB could check.

- It' snot about what happened, it's about what might happen.

- Yes.

- We have had a vulnerability window for an hour, it's not good, but it's not a disaster.

- Most people don't check.

- I check every time I get added to a doc but that is not what happened here.

- Yeah. Copying back now.

- Yep, he did.

- Thanks

- Added a note to the sheet — pb is probably Phaseburn. (Omnivore.)

- The broken image icon is the same.

- This is a tool set that blows away anything in use at the anomaly level by ENL.

- In terms of utility.

- Mostly insofar as I'd kill for a legit tool that could watch portals in an anomaly city and let me know every time Res put down hack mods.

- Also read the description of Radar.

- Cactus does similar things and is as good, but to the best of my knowledge it is not used widely at the anomaly level. Can't speak for Asia.

- Good eye, Matt.

- Google works fairly well if you're so inclined.

- OK. Anyone familiar with North Carolina Res?

- Dropping two supporting RADAR docs into the top level drive.

- Also from the RADAR chats — one was a Google Form link, one was a GDoc. Safe to hit anonymously.

- The Wish List includes the ability to set up alerts on long links and large fields.

- The Fundraising doc says — that.

- Also available benefits include RESWUE integration.

- This tool began scraping in August, 2015.

- Yeah. Hold on, assembling a doc tracing back to the author, he left me a trail of breadcrumbs.

- I'm so angry right now.

- Fuck it, I'm not doing that, I just came too close to doxing that asshole

- It's in the Fundraising doc

- You can get historic logs back to August 2015

- Gold level contribution.

- Guy who wrote the tool.

- The screenshots previously shared.

- Yeah

- Nah

- He forked the original repo

- Yeah, they're not all paying.

- The Patreon is a better indicator. Couple hundred bucks a month.

- I identified the original author of the program but I am unwilling to release his real name and home city.

- Yeah, that tech is *amazingly* simple. Fuck Niantic.

- YES.

- I've been accused of that one.

- Can't see hacks.

- OK. Stock intel gets a packet of information about each portal.

- The stuff you see on Intel, obviously.

- When a portal is modified, a new packet is sent.

- Yep.

- The packet must include mods on the portal, obviously.

- Well, not obviously, but it's the right decision

- To be clearer — there is nothing in these docs I wouldn't release. I just won't connect dots.

- I'm infuriated at Niantic for being such a bad custodian of their community.

- They will never understand that they own this, but they do.

- I'm infuriated at the Res I just found on radar who lied to my face after the Russell explosion.

- Thanks, Erich!

- Nah, registering anonymously is trivial.

- I still think you need to give Krug a 24 hour.

- This shit storm hits Niantic.

- Fine by me.

- Name names.

- It's not like Krug can leak this, he works for Niantic.

- He needs to handle the internal stuff, and it's going to be hard for them.

- I'd like to give Niantic as much room as possible to do the right thing.

- If I thought this would hold 48 hours I'd say give him 48 hours.

- I'm a pessimist and there are 40 people in this chat. I trust all of you, but it's the mistakes that blow op sec.

- The people who worked on these tools have every reason to keep opsec, he slipped once, and I know exactly who he is.

- 48 is arbitrary, could last longer, but you know.

- At the end of the day the data in that folder right now is explosive and significant; worrying about release strategies is just optimizing.

- Yep.

- I can't bang it out tonight or tomorrow. I can bang it out Thursday.

- Websites are mediagenic but otherwise not worth getting hung up on.

- [[Webpage]]https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism

- On Niantic: we're not making demands of them.

- We're saying "hey, we're about to release this information we just got. We noticed one of your employees used this tool; as a courtesy we wanted to give you 48 hours to formulate any public statement you may wish to make."

- Yeah, but you don't tell them that, you don't couch it as "we caught you."

- This is why the whole evidence thing is irrelevant. You don't need more evidence; you're warning them about the shitstorm, and there's plenty for that.

- I wouldn't bother with the LinkedIn material.

- In fact I'd delete it — it's doxing.

- It's also about maintaining good relationships with Niantic.

- Enl have spent a lot of time telling Niantic they're making a mistake recently.

- this is a place where Niantic hasn't made a mistake directly.

- Yes it is.

- And... it's the right thing to do. It's like security disclosure; you tell companies first so they have time to fix it.

- Yeah, nobody's watching what the kid does on Slack.

- We're not saying "you can stop this release," we're saying "something that will make people mad at one of your employees will come out in 48 hours."

- Side note — adding another tab for listed brokers.

- Boy, that would be *fascinating*.

- Learning that Niantic is willing to leak that hard to a Res organization.

- I don't even think it mutes the impact much.

- I'd pitch it.

- Ugh.

- Guys, can we get consensus that the real names and personal data don't go in the spreadsheet?

- Real names is bad, it violates ToS

- And in some places we're getting this wrong, wother and Julia aren't engaged any more

- AO is fine, it indicates scope

- 💚

- I'd release the first pass data — names and channels — nothing else. But I don't feel strongly about it.

- I don't think there's enough to say. The tool author is in the lists but he'd be there anyhow.

- I expect it's gone through several iterations.

- You can choose any AWS data center for your hosting.

- No, not for us, for what Erich asked.

- The screenshot Matt shared earlier was in US-East-1 which is the cheapest and most commonly used chunk of AWS.

- Agree,

- I personally wouldn't pre-release to ENL, btw

- It creates the problem of "why wasn't I on the list"

- And good luck identifying all the anomaly POCs

- "opsec"

- But you're privileging cities based on where Niantic chose to have an anomaly.

- If I were Krug, I would appreciate knowing who and what. If I got something with "something big" I would ignore it.

- What I'm flailing at: assume positive intent. if Krug/Niantic *did* want to respond internally in the right way, what would they need in order to do that?

- Ahhh

- Yeah

- If we want to do that, the easy answer is to take the 98% shortcut and post to Enlightened Global Support.

- They miss adding some of the anomaly POCs, but it's a reasonable group.

- Er, by which I mean, reasonable attempt at hitting all the people who get particular about being important.

- That'd be my call.

- The new riot screenshot list seems to have new people in it.

- Sorry if this is redundant, but the new Riot Member list doc in the RIOT docs folder has new names in it.

- Nope

- Means that — yeah

- Yes, it is.

- When you have intel up, portal data is sent every time a portal is modified

- And then you just request data on that portal, simulating a click.

- You have to piece together two feeds, but no big

- Maintain a list of all portals

- And mods

- Then if you see a portal change, retrieve the mod list, and it’s different, you know what happened

- Yep

- Erich, could you get a screenshot of stock intel comms on that kill?

- Awesome -- thank you, good catch.

- Looks good. If you'd like me to do a light attribution attack on it let me know.

- When's release date?

- I think that Enl versions of these tools are more widely spread overseas, and we're less likely to find fertile ground.

- I don't have strong reasons for this excepting the origin point of Cactus.

- Anatomy of a hit -- I'm not sure there was an automatic ping there.

- Yeah. The broker list has spaces between letters in the name which I assume is to avoid that

- But the WB said ping so I withdraw comment, thank you.

- Not apologies to Crooch5, makes it sound like we did it. Condolences.

- This is all great, btw, am nitpicking.

- Is the roster list inclusive of this morning's data drop? There were new riot names.

- The radar channels would be excellent.

- Probably can't write copy till this weekend, but can fill in holes then.

- Not at the presented level of coverage.

- In order to detect that kind of activity you'd need -- yeah. Like one bot pretending to be a scanner every 500 meters or so.

- Also another point of identification.

- I think that's right. More = better, less fakable, less for people to pick at.

- silverspatula is Tacoma, WA.

- Nope.

- ibotpeaches is Connor Tumbleson, yes?

- Well, this'll be fun.

- Thrakazog

- Also, yes, I saw Hosette.

- I had a conversation with her post-Russell in which she explained she didn't do this.

- ... forever

- and then you own handling all the doxing

- Do we have screenshots of the scanner-level scraping anywhere on the site?

- Yeah; there's a shot where Riot is showing a GUID and a badge list for someone... ugh. It's fuzzy.

- Hm.

- Yeah, this one.

- [[Document, size 86'719 bytes]]

- Actually, that screenshot really should go in

- the GUID is proof that theu're interfacing with the scanner

- Sorry, sleepy and relatives, three bottles of wine um

- Second screenshot in the RIOT.one doc

- Which is excellent

- wording suggestion going in now

- Yeah. Right up top of that doc:

- “... This is done by accessing the subject’s GUID (Global Unique Identifier), which ensures that even an agent name change will not prevent detection. Accessing the GUID requires scanner emulation.”


“The following data functions are available for each agent in the digest:”

- Much better picture

- Note — real names and identifiable info doesn’t belong in the sheet. Doxing is bad

- It’s only 7:30 PM here

- No worries

- I caught myself doing it and thought about it and deleted a bunch of stuff

- Then we talked here

- What they do for Res, area of activity, all that is good

- We were getting it wrong

- Unless someone knows for sure different I think Julia and wother broke up

- Sleeping now tho

- Ahh

- Poor kids.

- Olympiad

- Simplify. Reference Q3 and Q4 POCs, let people figure out the rest

- Q3

- I agree but it's not a major point — there's also something to be said for letting people go "wait, X was a POC."

- FWIW, I wouldn't single out Olympiad members, they weren't supposed to be leaders

- They were selected, so there's something there. Don't feel strongly about it.

- Cool.

- Just do a new one

- I’d wait

- If someone starts talking about this it says interesting things about their Res contacts.

- No free intel.

- Evidence, please

- Yes, I believe in the HTML

- But yeah

- No evidence that Niantic did it

- What Kim said

- Just buys time

- Muddies the waters

- Niantic isn’t the enemy. There is no course of action Niantic can take that hurts the release.

- They could publish a statement that this is all okay with them right now and the release is still effective:

- NIAops has site access. Riot.one is down. Decision: release now or not.

- Is the scanner scraper screenshot on the site?

- No further questions, counselor.

- Strip our accounts please

- Nice

- Takes a few

- Be aware that there’s some chance the mod will delete it for doxing, but we were fairly clean

- So estimate low chance

- It was around years ago

- Exposed and shut down as far as I know

- Whataboutism

- Ha ha ha

- Yup.

- The mod could be stifling it.

- I am pretty sure there's some Res partisanship there.

- Is one of yiu guys TreyWalker on Reddit?

- The child thing is a bad look

- Yes

- We don't have any evidence that there's a leak direct from Nia backend

- Yes, and if it's someone in here, I'd recommend backing off it. Not order, just recommend.

- The answer to Krug:

- "The belief that it's OK to be aware of this activity and just ignore it is part of why it spreads."

- As a former employee of multiple MMO companies: the evidence provided would be sufficient for bans for many of those involved.

- It would not lead to bans for every single one of those 900 people, but I would expect action against some.

- Not even about that; the level of proof and involvement is relevant.

- But it's extremely unwise to do nothing, and most companies in this space would recognize that.

- Nope; both Apple and Google are very careful about exposing underlying device IDs these days, for privacy reasons.

- I have a design for preserving a newly generated device ID across reinstalls on the same device, but it works poorly if the company only develops a single app.

- Right. And you can fuck with them if you're sufficiently smart.

- The right answer is policy, not technical. "Don't reroll, we will ban you if we catch you."

- Which prevents the sanctimonious "well reroll is OK" response.

- I'm somewhat oversimplifying here, but it's safe to say "no, banning by device ID is too hard."

- Niantic's in a fairly awkward technical position too.

- 2.0 right around the corner. do you devote dev resources to fixing these problems and delay a really key reelase?

- Yes. Trey is being a fucking idiot.

- Yeah, the slope often starts here. C.f. shaperbeast.

- [[Webpage]]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism

- opsec is hard.

- OK, action item suggestion.

- They repointed riot.one to a G+ account.

- Is it possible, without affecting WB, to frame that as a demonstration of vindictive behavior on the part of the admins?

- I am sure that the riot.one admins redirected their site to a G+ account they believe is the leaker.

- I can't think of a way to avoid calling attention to WB.

- Don't know, don't need to know.

- Agree.

- I think my suggested action item is bad.

- Is Niko on the list?

- Cover.

- Yeah. Well.

- *Marginal* admission of the tool as a guardian hunting tool.

- No

- Post the email to the site.

- Critique this idea. :)

- Yup

- No

- Turn JavaScript off

- Do it from a text browser if you have one convenient

- Consider curling the URL first

- [[Webpage]]Reddit mod explained what happened to the posts in a mostly transparent reasonable fashion: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ingress/comments/77gmkr/the_three_magically_disappearing_posts_about_the/

- I like it. Dry.

- I'd actually post the link as long as it's not harmful, but I'm a dick.

- @PoisonIvy30 -- I'd keep the bots running to update the database. The website is just a front door.

- It's a conclusion someone technical could easily reach.

- Report that to WP support.

- Hm.

- GMail account for password recovery, yes?

- Check the gmail logins just in case, and apologies for telling you the obvious.

- That's Jerry being Jerry

- Oh, fuck. Erich, check your phone.

- You want to make sure that your phone number still rings through to the correct phone.

- The trick here is that you call the phone company and ask them to transfer service to your new phone.

- Yeah, but it's never bad to be more secure.

- Risk/reward.

- There's no clear trail from the site back to Erich, and I am good at that kind of tracing, although I am not exceptional.

- riot.one went down before the public release.

- Someone tried to click and it was down, IIRC. Hold, checking scrollback.

- Well, sure they can, they just stick the front end up at a different URL.

- Here's the math

- There's a .1% chance of anything happening, 1 in 1000

- That 1 time, the cost to you is immense because they own your entire online life

- The cost of changing passwords is low.

- Most of the time that cost is wasted, but the one time it's not, you just saved yourself a LOT of pain.

- Uhhh

- "Yeah, I was added to this Slack channel but I didn't ever ask anyone about it or visit any of the links in the channel info."

- I do that ALL THE TIME.

- Oh. Well then he's kinda doofy, that's why we separated out the lists.

- Boy, I didn't even think about the possibility that Res would be cranky about not knowing about this.

- Yeah, I am *sure* there are Riot users who aren't on the list

- It's just a Slack channel; some people wouldn't join it.

- Steve D said something *awesome* on Niko's post.

- "Did you share the tool with an ENL agent so it could be used to seek GP hunters on each side?"

- He's pushing the Res party line: "we used this only to catch spoofers."

- I trust him not.

- Also, important point about that.

- They clearly used this tool for catching Enl cheaters. I believe that.

- Yep.

- But consider: you know all those false accusations we're used to seeing?

- Some part of that is what happens when you trust the tool over yourself.

- I'm OK.

- There are a couple of people I'm specifically very angry at. One of the people on that list used to work in the same group as I did at my previous company and lied to my face.

- I'm angry at her.

- I'm heading home from work, so you know, OK.

- He’s Res

- On that email — it’s a blatant lie, there are too many spoofers in the guild.

- While I could believe that J. Random Res on the East Coast doesn’t know SilverSpork spoofs, it’s not realistic that a PNW Res doesn’t know it.

- Can we drop the patreon and the signup forms today?

- We haven’t touched the financial aspect yet

- Yes.

- Let me write some copy for you, one second.

- This is trivially testable; log into an AWS instance and check. I do not have an AWS instance handy. :D

- @theprevaricator ^^

- Two pages: one concise with clear links to Patreon and sample rewards, plus an explanation of how we got it

- One is the table of rewards; it's long enough so that I didn

- Didn't want it in the main to avoid detracting

- People gotta see the Patreon. :D

- Also two PDFs preserving the pages.

- Wait, one more PDF coming for the Patreon, duh

- Done.

- Hold one...

- Added screenshot: #radar channel info

- Double check it. I don't see author there.

- Hmm

- Let's see if we can wayback this.

- Yes we can. Let me complete *that*

- Psh, that fails. Wait, I got a fallback

- Patreon archives for crap. :D

- OK, Patreon pages and GDocs pages don't archive worth a crap. :D

- Can and did archive the deployment form.

- The PDFs of Web pages are as good evidence as screenshots of Slack channels, I don't think we need a stronger evidence chain here.

- I don’t think it violates Patreon's TOS

- Also I think the patron will go down in about an hour

- That screenshot has been public for a while.

- Yeah

- Yeah, that's Slack.

- Occam's Razor says "Krug isn't very good at community management and come on, enl.io."

- Checking, thanks

- [[Webpage]]https://brokersguild.wordpress.com/patreon-reward-tiers/ — those aren't Patreon-linked, the Patreon ones are slightly different. Just Reward tiers, probably.

- Mssing close paren after the archive.is deployment form link

- Thats all I see.

- Thanks!

- Yeah

- no, release as a noun

- Hah, yeah, I like the dry.

- I think finances is a good spotlight

- Let's hit Krug and Res reactions Monday to go with the AMA.

- Putting the spotlight on Krug for AMA day is good.

- @theprevaricator — appendix link is broken

- *smirk*

- Oh, interesting. People assuming that the Guild hasn't found the leak cause of staggered release.

- Yeah. They won't know how much else we have, though.

- I think it's bad that Niantic hasn't shut down Outgress.

- Not high on my list but yeah, it's on the list of services I am hoping will be shut down as a result.

- This.

- NIantic could fairly easily shut down Outgress in 24 hours; they're charging for access. Clear TOS violation, but yes. Not top priority.

- use the Services or Content, or any portion thereof, for any commercial purpose or for the benefit of any third party or in an manner not permitted by these Terms, including but not limited to (i) gathering inApp items or resources for sale outside the App, (ii) performing services in the App in exchange

- collect or store any personally identifiable information from the Services from other users of the Services without their express permission;

- Outgress owner claims that he's not storing PII; this is inaccurate.

- I yield to actual lawyers on this, but "Any other identifier that permits the physical or online contacting of a specific individual."

- I *think* that this would include agent name, since you can contact someone in faction comms.

- Also from the CA code: "A home or other physical address, including street name and name of a city or town."

- The Outgress owner *horribly* understates the degree to which location information can be PII.

- Vicki reshared Ruth's post, FWIW

- mimtwin.

- Mostly retired, former leadership.

- My Krug problem is this.

- He knew about Riot months ago.

- He's been letting it run for whatever reason, *despite the pain this causes Enl*.

- I don't think he's malicious, and I don't think he's in the pocket of Resistance.

- But he has *got* to do better.

- I love the WB interview release.

- Did the finances post get dropped off reddit?

- If so, can someone ping the mod and ask them to dig it out of the automoderator queue?

- Oh, he admitted killing it

- "discussion happening elsewhere"

- There's a bias there.

- "go to the main thread"

- but he's not locking everything

- Just, you know, the super-damaging new ones

- That would be malfesance of a level I'm skeptical about.

- It would require someone to think "well, doesn't matter if only Res have access."

- I have a competing theory!

- What if, several years ago, Philley was sitting around in a BRRN meeting

- And wother (cause I dislike him a lot) spun a bunch of words at him

- And Philley, who knows jack all about tech, said "Yeah, that sounds fine."

- I have strong opinions about the man.

- Yup.

- The Radar Patreon has been altered slightly; there are no goals listed and you can't see the total amount collected.

- Yep.

- No, I think someone's twitch-reacting to everything we do and freaking out. It's awesome.

- Gideon's comment seems to be to be fundamentally accurate.

- Keep the OODA loop tight

- Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.

- Observe - see what's going on. Orient - make an informed decision about what your observations mean. Decide - what will you do next? Act - do it.

- If you can execute that loop faster than your competition, they must react to you and you will remain a step ahead.

- Yes, but I am not holding my breath.

- FWIW, I would.

- I said this somewhere on Reddit. Say you used it, apologize, say you won't do it again? Okay.

- Some people don't get that dispensation from me, but the majority, yes.

- That is not the same statement, though.

- I don't care why you used it; you apologize and accept responsibility and move on.

- If you say "I used it for good and I won't apologize," no.

- What's it cost me?

- Yeah, I don't demand everyone adopt my aged hippie Zen-like calm

- The trick is I have missions to fall back on

- If everyone in Ingress turns out to be an asshole, I will go hit 4K missions.

- I'd miss you but I would be fine.

- See, missions are important. They give you a fallnback. 😄 😄 😄 😄

- Philosophically.

- I would so much rather be gullible.

- The argument that the Guild members are making: "it's OK because they do it."

- I do not give a flying fuck who laughs at me.

- Anyhow, Erich, I can't say anything about your local community

- But I'd be happy to talk with her about this, I like people

- I'd also probably say "no, stay Res, build a new community."

- There’s a difference between “I didn’t use it to do wrong so it’s okay and I’ll keep using it”

- And “I didn’t use it to do wrong but I was still wrong and I screwed up.”

- Redemption is fundamental and human.

- And I’m not saying you gotta agree with me.

- Yep.

- There are local Res who I won’t ever trust.

- Nah, I don’t think it’s hypocritical

- Forgiveness is not obligatory either.

- And trust your instincts.

- There was a cross faction multi account in SF

- Res primary. We caught him and exposed him, Res kicked him out of community and took him back a month later

- My nose said “bad idea”

- And yeah, a year later he was doing it again

- That’s hilarious

- Meh

- I’m a riot user

- I pull a random blue players portals and make a map

- We're also getting direct quotes passed into us.

- Erich forwarded something said in another room back to here. I didn't blow the whistle on that; one of the ways in which I maintain my balance between being distinctly anomaly OG and hanging out in this circle is by respecting everyone's right to privacy.

- That said, Semi is correct.

- I left it a while back.

- Yeah. The shaky bit is the scraping for MU counts.

- I don't *think* so.