- Do we know if any of the open alternate pings included a Niantic employee? I'm perplexed why they went to visible enl as opposed to someone like Krug

- True. Yeah I'm satisfied with that answer. πŸ‘

- Hopefully not engage in actual strategic gameplay

- Grenading the anomaly with this feels dirty and cruel to all of the people who aren't engaging in this behavior and just trying to go and enjoy an anomaly

- Like I know we want to do everything we can to win, but...does this need to be paired with a strategic goal?

- It's awful enough by its own accord

- That is true

- It was also mentioned that it would behoove us to remain as objective and impartial as possible, treating the data for what it is - data. We can't do that and also twist a strategic advantage.

- Yeah, I don't see how this makes it better? They did a bad sneaky thing, that has no bearing on our behavior.

- I'm having a personal ethical issue about conflating the objective problem of cheating with anomaly strategy if the goal is to get Niantic to do something about it and not just make a bunch of people super mad. I agree and am on board with doing something with the information, I just don't like when the conversation moves from "this is bad and we should make this public in order to drive positive change" to "how can we both publicize this information AND use it to our strategic advantage?" If it's literally just me that takes issue with that nuanced distinction, I'll give it more reflection time. πŸ’š

- Okay! Good. Thank you πŸ˜„

- I am 900 messages behind here because other projects but just want to stay I love you all πŸ’šπŸ’š

- I'm on the meeting with him

- Can we have like a few more minutes

- Ah fun

- Someone grab copies of those?

- If our names are being collected, they've been. Five minutes will be okay.

- I'll ping him on the zoom pm

- He's, like, running the meeting

- Message sent

- Don't panic!

- I maintain that if she/he/they was looking for it it's already too late

- Meeting is wrapping up

- Charlie is aware and fixing now

- @GreatNorthern You identified the specific documents, correct?

- Titles, please

- ty

- @Strandit you snagged copies?

- πŸ’šπŸ’š

- Lovely spreadsheeting. πŸ’š

- Support wholeheartedly

- ☝️☝️☝️

- Same




- Hey, friends. I think I'm going to back out of this thing now. You all are doing fabulous work and I don't really have the bandwidth to be much more then a passive observer at this point, considering what next steps are likely to involve. Love and support to everyone here and the project, keep fighting the good fight. πŸ’š Please feel welcome to remove my access to documents of course (honestly I've hardly looked at them anyway) and I'll catch you all on the next awesome project! hugs
.....20.10.2017 10:03:54, S Falcone [OneEyedCat - PA, USA]: >>left group<<