- Important

- Not if we could make sure to get support from completely uninvolved RES
.....17.10.2017 14:00:39, Bishop 1315409: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- I personally am not connected enough to know about the ENL version of this, so there must be RES who would not know the context of this slack and not be able to identify the source

- Agreed

- I'm Spartacus!

- If anyone was actually considering this I don't think they are taking this seriously enough

- I don't think I'm being hyperbolic when I say that I honestly think this is going to end some Ingress lives

- good point

- God I know I am naive and idealistic and overly emotional a lot of the time, but holy shit seeing all the screenshots is really upsetting. How are these people rationlizing such blatant shittiness?

- Looks like there is a bit of redundancy with some of the member list screenshots, may change page numbers if duplicates are deleted

- πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

- wat

- yep

- Yes

- I am FINALLY through all the backlog here. I still have to look at the new stuff on the drive, but I have a bit of time and can do grunt work if needed.

- Yes please!

- How are you guys seeing this?

- Ohhhhh. Thanks. Are you all anonymous in there?

- Could get ieung or something similar to "interview" you about your experience with WB once this is a big enough story

- I like anything that gets the story outside of ingress-only territory

- I'd like to help with the website, but I don't seem to have access yet

- never checked email! Thank you!!

- Okay, this is looking awesome. Are we discussing style or just content rigtht now?

- is this "392 people know about the broker's guild" just views?

- πŸ‘

- Goddamn I am impressed with all this work. You people blow me away.

- I know we haven't gotten to style yet, but I would suggest that the roster needs to be a little bit easier to take in at a glance if at all possible. Bolding of agent names and headings if nothing else, borders and color fill if we have the expertise. I unfortunately don't.

- This is good. Links to necessary background info are awesome

- [[GIF, size 106'488 bytes]]

- I got to use that gif while not wuffing. Achievement unlocked

- Agreed! I wonder if the last line could be changed or added to. A simple repetition seems superfluous.

- ....what if that was the home page?

- I would be sucked in immediately with that


- oh no. i wish either that wasn't the figure or my brain didn't work the way it does

- Comic Sans. Definitely Comic Sans.

- Would the table problem, if unfixable in the time we have, be lessened by the splash page with Anatomy of A Hit content that was discussed? That could be the primary packaging and people might look past the table issues after being sucked in by that.

- Omg I hate that I am working right now

- Seconded!!

- Indeed!

- hey, that's my armor, too!

- God, this fucking retort about using IITC

- I wish we had something official from Niantic about it

- yes, but i like quoting things and shutting people down. I don't have anything other than "it's not the same level" and that's not great


- 😱

- Jesus I'm sorry

- Oh no! How do you know?

- I'm sorry. It really is awful to lose friends like this, and to feel unsafe πŸ’š

- "the work is not done"
You know, the usual TGR mantra

- I reeeeaaaally like this

- Hah, ROC ENL slack is especially enjoying the "it remains unclear" line πŸ’š

- Agreed. I have heard of ENL.io but had no idea what it was, and I hadn't heard of any of the other stuff until conversations in TGR and here. I think I'm both isolated and naive, and I'm good with that.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get Niantic to make a clear statement on what's black and white and I will help in any way I can to get that accomplished.

- Did I read in here at some point that the Disaster bunch is pro-black arts?

- There's a whole slew of agents with a Disaster-something naming convention. I think they are all connected, and I think someone (@Aneristic?) said they were into some of the bad things.

- I'm wondering for V vouching purposes, because now I have to take that into consideration. Sigh.

- Okay, thanks guys

- based on what?

- Okay, that's fair and I respect that. But I have to say that makes me question doing anything important with the possibility that it could happen again. Chris fucking got doxxed.

- I definitely will, thank you

- Yeah. Same. I'm the mantispidae of Rochester.