- use .rocks already you salty bastard

- 5 access requests sent

- it was in protest
.....17.10.2017 13:25:43, Nadia Amro: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<
.....17.10.2017 13:25:53, SeaFoamSoul SAS: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- {{FWD: Charlie Arnold, 17.10.2017 12:32:23}}

- {{FWD: Charlie Arnold, 17.10.2017 12:34:31}}

- {{FWD: Charlie Arnold, 17.10.2017 12:37:30}}

- {{FWD: Charlie Arnold, 17.10.2017 12:38:21}}

- I think the exact opposite

- Its real.
.....17.10.2017 13:27:03, Brian Lusky (RevDegen Erie PA): >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- The communication is open

- the whistleblower asked how to sink the ship

- have you broached API key with them?

- I can have the full export in minutes with an API key

- and then we get grabs of the worst of it.

- the biggest thing we can hope for is a black mark on all of the agents participating, but the user list can be denied

- evidence of direct wrong doing by participants is required

- The post when it goes up has to be huge, comprehensive, well documented and on G+.

- All anyone will be looking at for a week

- It wont be "youre wrong" it will be "you do it too"

- it always is

- the documentation process for everything other than API key will be onerous

- so offer to just dump the data somewhere and we'll sort it out

- just saying, in the post it has be front and center that we arent being hypocrites.

- Yes.

- [[Webpage]]1. log into slack in the browser.
2. go to https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
3. Look for a button associated to that slack that says Create Token
DO NOT CLICK if it says Request Token
4. copy/paste it here.

- Lot of dirty laundry in Aurora?

- So think about how this would look and feel though

- The real-world reprocussions of leaking an enl chat like this. Again, I don't know of one, but if I did.

- It would be a bloodbath all around.

- And if you leaked it, even to coincide with a res take down, you'd never be forgiven.

- So my point is that if this thing got big enough, all you'd do is prove to everyone that cheating was noIrmalized.

- So your plan would be to show Niantic that cheating is so ingrained in both factions that the only option is to change the guardian badge?

- If you leaked just what you know about the res, yes.

When you start talking about enl also, the calculus changes dramatically

- The amount of work to fake what we've seen to date is Titanic.

- It's honestly possible that both factions are pulling data from the same, suspiciously accurate DB

- Any enl tool leak will be treated in the harshest terms by much of our own faction, even if exposing scraping.

- And it's too late to anonymize.

- TBH, we don't have anyone in here with enough access to anything they are willing to give up to be damning enough to be worth the leak at this point.

- So it's probably a moot point.

- lol

- He'd probably just start playing EVE anyways

- But I don't know if I would. As much as I despise scraping, I don't know that it would be worth the trust I would have to gain and break to do that.

- This would be the cross you die on
.....17.10.2017 14:43:13, Spike (crewellye -PIT ⚜): >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- And it's not that great a cross

- Like I'd rather keep the parts of the enlightened that I like than blow up the whole game over this one shitty part.

- The Amish and the non Amish

- If you could get the global conversation there.

It could also go:

you out a bunch of high level RES but cant stop their tool
you out a bunch of high level ENL but cant stop their tool

They say "fuck you, you're cheating too." We say "fuck you, you leaked our tool and cant be trusted." Everyone who didnt have access to scrape data before has access now by contacting someone who does. Some trusted ENL and some RES lose status with Niantic. Niantic posts something ambivalent about scraping violating the terms of the game, but makes no changes.

- or they could decide that everyone is awful so I will be too.

- it will be a level playing field of awfulness

- Generally agreed.

- People might scrape for alerts

- but the motivation is lessened without guardian

- ok.

- Then userlist?

- yea.

- you offered our labor to sort out the list?

- I can bot relay between here an a HO. But I dont think you want that.

- Ok, so I know that the whistle blower is compelled my moral compunction. I am not so much. Ive played this game at a disadvantage long enough and put up with it, I've earned the right to say without the slightest waiver that I want to maximize the damage this does.

Fuck those fucking assholes and all their asshole fiends.

- Someone is going to need to go through these grabs and remove the header and footer from them

- That would be awesome. Or get direct agent testimonial about how they setup that guardian.

- Make it impactful on the G+

- Like, we see they scraped agent xyz. We look for the comm data that it got hit and go to that person, say hey I heard your guardian got hit. We are working on a thing about guardian hunting would you tell us a bit of the story about it.

- Then post all the data together.

- Bio of a hit

- Right.

- I bet I can find them a week back

- Maybe more

- I can find them

- Give me a few mins

- i think it provides sugar/energy to the swimmers

- then I heard it backwards

- ooh

- so we're gonna have to scrub drive history

- i mean you're

- because that will be all kinds of incriminating

- I prefer to copy/paste into a new document

- so data is moved with no associated history of who entered it

- Not certain

- But I think this is it

- Its in the same city as his others

- so who is going to monitor these things for an attack?

- It's in the data somewhere. Lots of scraper tools have this.

- The new scraper starts with an old db.

- The old cerebro database was public for a while

- You don't want to open opportunity for comments.

- I could open a new site on squarespace quick cheap and anonymous.

- I don't think mass repeated distribution is a good idea. Part of what worked before I think was that it was new content about the same thing. Drawn out over days, it almost insisted that at some point you would read one of the damn posts.

- 20 ppl created the appearance that "everyone was posting about it"

- But if they go up in the same hour, it's gone in 24.

- Initial post blows the lid and publishes the arcuive, then If we could get 20 hits documented with bios. Make them local to the poster and spread them out for two days.

- That would create a strong logical and emotional argument for action.

- Krug implied he readmost of the recharge posts

- I believe I've made clear who and whose friends can fuck themselves.

- Do quote

- Ah, the res troll

- Really?

- Rgr.

- Get it all before any of it goes out

- That includes unfortunately warning ppl who are being hunted. It's not like it will actually help anyways

- Yea, some ppl will throw in the towel

- I was wrong about bike.

- Also, If someone else didn't Address this yet : publishing a full list of users becomes a problem for the WB.

- Either we include them and they are maligned

- Or exclude them and they are exposed.

- This like all things calls for a spreadsheet

- We need transcription on all of those grabs ASAP

- Dude.

- It's THE network.

- I'll be home in 30, gotta click start on an upgrade and then will start transcribing members shots

- And marking them complete

- Should also do the others the same way, maybe columns for who pulled data on who, portal link, etc.

- Yes!

- Allow me to contain my surprise

- Ahahshsbhagagagaga

- This is why we have to get them in action.

- These ppl will just say they have access but dont use

- And is probably true for some

- Yes.

- And mine

- And @LilJimJim

- Nemesis is strong for me

- I dislike him intensely

- Start transcribing. Mark image with a comment when into sheet.

- Waiting for you to make it

- Or me if I get to a pc

- Label what you know and we'll leak what's fit to leak

- we're populating it twice?

- I'm starting at the bottom

- Tried to go far enough down now to run into you all

- He's flipping back?

- Is mimtwin there?

- Wuestion

- We all knew it was there

- But now we have it.

- my res has always engaged in both siderism

- that since ENL have similar tools that is a wash

- we dont have or do anything like this.

- theres a niantic employee on a scrapey enl tool that determines mu values.

- both

- Probably

- ok, transcription of members is done

- will sort by name and eliminate duplucates

- ok, auto highlighting duplicates

- notate sheet

- as needed

- duplicates deleted

- this data has been curated

- shit

- my res is in it

- my good res and my bad res

- now the both siderism makes even more sense.

- it was self defense

- telling me that both sides had basically the same cheating ability.

- Covering for herself

- i dont think she hunts

- but she is in and knows

- Oh, I know.

- This is going to get serious.

- lol

- im sure it will

- fucking zamboorak

- i didnt spam before so I get one

- Agreed.

- Like, this will be so big that ppl on our team will want to have known when it goes

- I would consider warning those ppl

- Whose jobs are on the line potentially

- ok, need clarification on RADAR

- there is a channel called ALL_VRLA.

- Does that do what it appears to do

- because thats its own post

- fucking shitbags

- Do ours offer VRLA mod scans though?

- I thought it was too resource intensive

- no

- just assumed

- agreed, its the use

- I have access to both but dont use. I can confirm whether anyone is doing a global VRLA scan.

- Yea, when I first found out about poptart I was ready to flipout.

- Its scraper based notification

- I'd consider it for those two.

- but they also take pains to make GH difficult or impossible.

- you can use a scraper to painstakingly analyze the mu of fields, you can use it to tell you who threw a link, you can use it to automate responses to other teams actions, or you can use it to guardian hunt. I dont see them all as the same degree of evil because NIA said so

- ok.

- We

- I think we need more cases of them using it

- agreed. omnivore opens the door to any RES using it.

- I represent that position. Not that you should necessarily defend res in my position.

- meh, I get that. I'd like to think if I was in this particular thing it would be different. Maybe just lying to myself

- thing is, its a different situation. The tools are more or less benign, or half dark, or the thing I can see wouldnt incriminate anyone anyone would care about. Not saying no, just saying I have to think about it. Your judgements are not my judgements

- we dont

- its a euphemism

- I have no issue with the conversation here being critical of my choices. I invite it. Perhaps ironically, I think I live pretty honestly for the most part. If I cant defend what I did then I should make better choices

- But we should focus on what to do about these docs.

- @Semiotiq I know that more data is good data, but now might be a good time to ask WB what they want out of all this

- nope.

- ty

- maybe not mole

- but if they declared it to NIA when hired

- could be immune in a sense

- but we dont know what that means.

- aye

- its new

- its the same folder.

- WB just added a doc

- so can see collaborators

- kinda did too

- probably a good idea to copy now

- the firewall was attempted

- but subfolders show shares of master folder

- charlie is in a meeting.

- lol

- im not so sure

- I dont see WB on some of these other docs

- the ones I am looking at charlie is woner

- owner

- I think that there was a mistake on one

- the new ones.

- possible leak isnt a reason to remain insecure

- Radar Radar Channels and Radar Members

- I dont know how that comparison is made

- hmm, true. But I think we *could* be doing that if we didnt reject it.

- like a creme brulee

- Alright, given that I dont use it, but dont feel its justifiable to burn, because almost no one in there is still using it, I have simply left POPTART.

- I'm out of Cactus as well, for anyone keeping score at home.

- that was sort of my opinion, but I never touched the stuff and guilt by association wasnt worth it.

- if I cant reasonably argue that I'm innocent here, it would never withstand public scrutiny

- why would one share a link I'm not supposed to click on?

- Everyone can authenticate to the client via V, but you can also setup a channel that sends you alerts when activity happens in a predefined area. I turned off everything on mine except new portals.

Doing that makes you an admin for those channels. Everyone can just not use cactus. If you signed up for a channel, leave it, and remove yourself from the admin sheet.

- this poking at the exposed bits could be detected.

- Yea.

- let me get some beer

- then I'll do it

- I mean, how do you want it to work though, a single list of all names and the display which service they use?

- np

- it wont

- sure sure

- This is why my local r s always accused me of having alerts when I found their farms.

- Because they could

- ok, im done messing with it

- Master is master, enter your data there

- now it just looked up the other sheets

- I was a mite bit rusty

- I dont think we need to encourage people to read the whole list

- they're gonna do the same thing we did

- it annoys me that the barcodes will get away with it

- theres a bunch of nonmachine identifiable duplicates.

- also

- [[Photo]]

- Actual person or joke

- ok

- blueblitzkreig/blueblitzkrieg

- I can fix them but I need to know which is correct

- so I propose that we:

Quickly build the website really nicely and clearly showing what this thing is, who was in it, and what they did. Try to gather cases of actual kills.

Once its a button push away from rolling out, we bring in a group of ENL who can review the list early and tell us who some of these RES are.

If anything leaks in that stage, you roll out with what you have.

After 24 hours for review, it goes public with a G+/Reddit post. Who posts and whether it should be anonymous subject to a poll here.

- so krug comes in at the same time as other connected ENL

- I dont know that is a response I expect from them. I guess its possible

- the entire thing is game breaking.

- potentially

- what if niantic finds a way to stop it, but the Resistance in the US decide to give up en masse since they suck at anomalies and now they lose this

- I am not saying these are reasons not to release, just potential reactions.

- You could give him, scraper thing exists, we have all the data, there are niantic employees and vanguards implicated.

- although, if you give him too little he will make more noise

- you have to give him enough to go to those people

- and not ask around about it

- I'm only shocked that it leaked

- are we on accelerated timeline or still releasing in 10 days?

- no one is any good at opsec.

- its too big

- is it all you want to think and talk about? then its all someone else wants to think and talk about and they will want to clue their special ingress person into it so they are in the know for when it hits. That special ingress person will tell someone

- etc etc

- so who is making this website?

- we have 48 hours?

- website needs to be gtg tomorrow night

- whats that you say? square space you say?

- True, a G+ would be super fast.

- but I cant embedd a chart in a G+

- other than linking to a public document

- How about I do it on a throw away squarespace account, URL would be smartsmurfthing.square-space.com and then you do a tiny url to it?

- Is basically free.

- and mobile responsive design

- im sure its hacky to a professional, but he is busy

- It would have to be pretty significant

- and I can cover that

- fair enough. Id run it a few months and shut it down

- if you want it to live forever, we'd need to put it somewhere we have a webhost

- disastertrident is my goto

- but not $12 a mo hosting

- I dont know it

- Maybe a blogspot

- lol

- what are the jobs again?

- someone needs to get those images into usable format

- crop down and remove any metadata

- I think you go thursday

- everyone will be onboard

- WB has been eager

- we turned screengrabs into spreadsheets quickly

- we can do this, if we work it and compromise slightly.

- perfection is the enemy of good

- when I play I dont read G+

- Compromise.

- Noon

- Thursday

- we'd be cutting short the 24 hour window for krug

- but fuck it

- you give him 16 hours notice he'll be just as happy

- you cant just be sure, you've got to have it ready to deploy in case the whole thing explodes

- which you wont have till tomorrow afternoon at the earliest

- the images are already stripped of metadata, it would seem

- so removing the headers and footers is optional and would save us a bunch of work

- maybe check with WB on whether they want it

- ok, I pulled all the images from the docs

- added to a folder

- I think there are some rewrites to increase impact

- bring the language down a bit

- you're fine. everyone is better with editing

- I have hang ups that I have a hard time seeing

- my sister is amazing at it

- I took a crack at it, others should do the same

- A couple points that dont make sense for the website but should accompany the announcement post.

A) Yes, some enl probably do it too, but nothing on this scale.
B) No really, nothing remotely like this.
C) There will always be tools. If this thing collapses, something else will take its place.
D) Resistance needs to collectively grow the fuck up and knock this shit off.

- Its a human problem, not a technology problem

- #reminder

- ok, im going to bed

- Someone will find a better way to say it

- By tomorrow

- We can't prove it's scraped data. We can only demonstrate that it looks like a scraper and they say that it's a scraper.

- I think it's an important point for the post text

- You say, "we believe that this is a scraper because a, b,c"

- It sounds the same to most people

- But is technically more correct for the res who want to challenge it.

- Or you could frame it as "how do we know it's a scraper"

- And list evidence.

- right

- its pretty damning

- I think i missed that one

- ok, so need some help on the Post Text.

I dont just want to point at TOS and say "look TOS, they violated TOS" because although from a technical standpoint that is how they cheated, the cheating matters because of what they did with it. I tried some things but jillian said I was handwaving, and maybe so. How do you say "what they did with the thing was a whole nother problem" really well.

- There is no ENL version of this. But yes, they hunt.

- I'm not being pedantic. This is 30-40 times larger than anything I've ever seen, and more advanced. In my mind its a different class.

- sorry.

- [[GIF, size 16'293 bytes]]

- But why wouldn't he just search on your agent id

- apologies if it was answered

- @strandit, based on the other document you provided, do you think that TBG built the underlying database or do you think they access someone elses?

- Agree with this. Let the main post/website be facts only and then let each person who shares the link add their commentary.

- so someone also mentioned before possibly identifying the exact amazon aws location of the database. Any thoughts on how to pursue that?

- it seems like an important piece that would change substantially the outcome of the release.

- I've reviewed the screenshots from the guardian searches and couldnt find any obvious hits as a result of the searches. Which isnt entirely surprising, but unfortunate for making our case.

- Is the WB still responsive?

- Because while portal captures could be manually entered, mod caps can't. A screenshot of VRLA channel would go a loong way to shutting any "is this really scraping" argument down.

- Even a preview of VRLA would be enough I'd hope.

- It's also time to be real clear with WB about being listed or not listed.

- We have reasonable suspicions. I'm just trying to put nails in coffins now.

- Agreed.

- I like one list

- Did I miss site selection or who is working on the page?

- There's more?

- Resistance is on top?

- Resistance insists on turnkey?

- The site man, who is making the site.

- Resistance Intel, Over. Toast.

- Ok, dibs.

- We also need to finalize a list of enl who will get advance notice.

Thinking anomaly POCs, lead ops, vanguards, and maybe handpicked regional POCs.

- He's gonna flail in vanguard chat if he gets that.

- Give him those 5-6 names.

- I think that will happen if you don't

- It's the first thing hell do if you don't give him names

- I don't know Charlie, there's no scenario in my mind where Krug can do anything useful other with or without names. And anything he does blows it wide open.

- Maybe this is a no win

- Then err on the side if less info.

- So he can do less damage.

- You know there are people who will want to have known

- Ok, how about US.

- I'm not saying exclusively.

- Just as a start for the list

- Same reason as Krug.

- But they are trying to do a thing and this will take their time.

- We're past that now

- No, it's based on something I said about making a list of enl to preinform. Anomaly POCs being one example of enl who would appreciate knowing early.

- People in this game want to be in the know. The more in the know they are the more they feel this way. When they aren't in the know, they react badly.

- I wasn't being exclusive to anomaly POCs

- Sure.

- Ok, let's stop framing this around anomaly POCs.

- When this goes live, we will all take it to the places it needs to be quickly.

- Shitheads.

- They braaag about how they stop our fields here

- Which they don't do all that well

- Probably to s Google account.

- How they track fc

- It's a screenshot that jaralel requested

- It was in the channel

- Should be safe to distro

- This represents such a substantial advantage to their team it's ridiculous. It's possible some enl will be very discouraged by this.

- I'm still anticipating a high level of "fuck this game" especially when Krug says he can't stop them.

- lol true

- Like, we were beating them a year ago using portal summary, drawtools, and glympse when they had reswue and this

- I mean in my cell.

- A bunch of the functions have no use in anomaly contexts

- But virus data maybe

- I checked the ones prior to today and renumbered them

- The new ones need to be gone over.

- Need a hand with that?

- Ding

- Ding

- Report back if he reads it

- @redsolocup

- As I settle down for a long winter's site design, I need to know how much we care that ur is anonymous, and whether anyone wants to be identified

- Ok.

- So WB is going to sit back now and watch the world burn?

- Ours to handle from here

- Woah, that kitty didn't even look back.

- The archduke has been shot.

- Yes.

- I'm your huckleberry

- Krug has read mine

- its perfection

- it already happened

- it was the 1st agent in the list, not the one who responded

- Got em

- and its even better because its my locals

- they hit the guardian

- that they just called out

- Got it

- Got it.

- I'm calling it anatomy of a hit

- it couldnt happen to a worse asshole

- general has made several of my friends cry.

- ok, so this kinda got personal for me. I'd like to sign the about page and have others join me. I'll abide a group decision on it, if we prefer to remain anonymous.

- alright.

- Preview

- [[Photo]]

- once I go from private to hidden, yes

- we are not open for comment at this time

- at this time

- ok, I am taking a brief break to travel and get foodstuffs.

- if you want to see the page preview, I need your email

- Remember what happened with fenris and the spoof group

- the whistleblower turned to someone he thought was trustworthy and they tipped off the spoofers

- not that this would happen exactly here

- once it goes public, your email will be expunged

- its a permissions list that wont be used

- ok, sent up to now, getting in the car, please somehow orderly give me thoughts

- there is some content yet to add.

- I don't think so. Right now it's all private

- And you won't be leaving any traces

- lol, I didn't add my main acct and don't want to log into throwaway from phone

- So I guess I won't be able to obsessively review myself.

- If I didn't respond to your dm it's because I'm in the car and will send once I stop

- I fix your thing last minute out the door....

- lol

- I am deliberately leaving unsaid how any of the information was acquired.

- The less we give them to go on, the more they freak out and harder they mole hunt

- It mentioned the username

- Which on lots of slack channel is a ping.

- Elo used to work the same way

- But not with GH obvs

- Ty. #notes

- Nothing to be done

- I'd like to do another page on how the bot works, how riot.one works, how radar works and what channels there are, and how omnivore works

- So if anyone is looking for things to do, I need that info sorted and basic copy written

- 100x the granularity of what this is

- I can't fix for about an hour, just document things here

- Ignore the grammar error staring you in the face

- [[GIF, size 45'664 bytes]]

- lol

- #notes

- I feel like we might be stuck on a fairly minor point

- I will pick one of the options, I see what you mean

- Lol, yep. Next

- I can't Grant you access yet

- Slack us more accurate

- Is

- What other channel?

- #notes

- #notes

- #notes

- I would, but I don't know what I want to give up anything about the source.

- I want it to go on and on and make an impact.

- Nothing after the list is necessary reading.

- I debated that too.

- But since the evidence is listed on the side menu opted against

- I'm open

- I did it.

- But it wasn't searchable

- I can show you all

- It's in a new clean gdoc owned by then away email

- Cleaningress@gmail.com

- True. Could have little blurbs and links to Branch out to the rest of the story

- And other pages.

- I think that makes it less readable

- Thank you for the affirmation

- But not necessary

- I want this to nail them

- Editorial is positive

- "carry on"

- You misspelled that.

- lol

- #notes

- #notes

- #notes

- You don't yet. But maybe 30 mins I will have toh

- #notes

- That's what stock looks like

- Ours

- Good question

- It needs something to drive home the receiving agents feelings and loss.


- time stamps put it before he told us about it

- You can review the images and docs the WB put together, write some copy for a page explaining what radar is and what channels there are

- Alright

- Alright

- Next

- you're all very convincing

- I don't know ejther

- A text box with a heart right?

- That's how it autoformats

- I can play with settings

- Yea, it's a gallery

- I can make #notes on them

- Backlog

- I found one total duplicate and left it in

- A page for bot, a page for radar, a page for omnivore, and a page for raid.one

- We have unused grabs and can do more indeoth explanations

- Your mom is beautiful

- Maybe

- I know, I'd like a way to clean that up

- But haven't found one

- Maybe a different search widget

- Otherwise I'll remove

- Yea.

- It is. And I agree

- One way to fix would be to make a page for each agent

- With nothing else on it.

- Maybe an important possible

- Import

- Semi, we are going to have a full operational battle station tonight

- Tomorrow 9a might be better

- Ok.

- Message him, tell him the situation forced our hand. He doesn't actually care, notice is preserved

- Impact increased.

- But I'll go with what you think.

- It aligns with our goal.

- Hanke is going to read this site and not know what the fuck to do

- Cdt, Android, been in the game for 3 years

- And on that list

- Isn't Terran1701 a current POC?

- I was wrong

- TheShadows, PurpleJules and JulianDelphiki

- POCs for Houston

- Ah!

- Terran was res POC at KC.

- I vote leave to wonder.

- But semi has said he wants to tell WB story

- So tbd

- imo, wb isn't the story

- all emails sent

- starting to make changes based on ntoes

- If be more in favor of a delayed post about WB

- Along with a message to others to do the same

- There are a bunch of people deep in shit like this. They get disaffected a quit.

- We could get them to dish

- we could use the page to host the story

- just not off the bat

- hell, I can spin a second wordpress for just the story

- with throwaway owner

- give you admin rights to it

- ok, caught up on notes

- moving to new content

- kotaku story makes me worry about armageddon

- its unabashed in pogo

- everyone is using scrape powered bots

- especially during the events

- ok, new content, @deafone anyone else get a chance to mess with it? I think im starting on raid.one

- i added a little hit counter with a custom jib

- XXX people know about The Brokers Guild

- I tried when I was displaying a sheet in it

- and it wouldnt float

- done

- ok, check roster

- Right

- And the sheet is instructed to float

- maybe if i found the right embedd code

- that cuts me deep

- but I think I like embedded sheet better than list

- even though its not searchable

- I can search on the other list

- are you looking at it refreshed?

- check your email

- for mobile compatibility the boring list is better

- the sheet has to be rotated to horizontal

- [[Photo]]

- Or it cuts off a column

- Are there any new names?

- then I think its worth it

- its not?

- is Fev on the list?

- thats worth it imo

- ok, how it works, the bot is ready

- they ran stories on ingame shit that happened in EVE

- So master is ready to grab and publish appropriate columns?

- That is a missed duplicate?

- Did anyone call out hosette?

- Upcoming Res POC at SF

- Oh Jesus there are two of them now

- its about to

- I need RADAR

- And riot.one

- so where does the TOS definition go?

- I tried that and it weakens the flow

- ok, refresh and look again

- you are so close to a your mom joke

- took out associated

- refresh

- done

- free wordpress

- there are a ton of better search plugins

- that require like $8 a month professional upgrade

- theyre all left justified

- I can do bullet points

- ty

- I dont follow this

- oh, ok.

- well

- I dont want to collapse it.

- ok.

- i get you

- I dont think I like that. The post becomes huge

- let me try it

- get me the names

- I think you link to their names in the list

- But they may not recognize which are POCs, vanguards, etc

- I thnk noting the VIPs is not offmark

- no, I dont think we say "these are our thought leaders"

- its a once in a game opportunity

- had to do it right

- share the doc?

- or drop it i the folder


- I need this stuff structured a bit

- no one is

- tomorrow

- I am on the phone with a customer and that is half my issue at the moment

- RADAR is up, unmodified

- ok, so I am wrapping up with my phone call

- and will be ready to focus here momentarily

- I need riot.one and then we can nitpick until i pass out

- so I dont have any of those as options

- for Font

- I've tried applying source sans pro

- review and get back to me

- theres one called anonymous pro.

- Alegreya Sans
Exo 2
Noto Sans
Open Sans
PT Sans
Quattroceno Sans

- there are also serif'd fonts

- that you said you didnt want

- james

- email me

- Try now

- its in the menu

- oh, top of the menuy

- generalE and badeye arent on anyones favorite lists either

- pens down on riot copy?

- there are too many cursors on that thing

- ok then

- im getting a beer

- nope

- we have so much good stuff with hard evidence

- allegations are meaningless and only detract

- ok

- riot is at parity with copy


- refresrefresh

- ahh ok

- misunderstood

- I will correct

- if she gives throw away email I can send preview

- might also have corrections for how some things are worded

- I can make a copy of the site

- but I have used a random character password

- theyd have to DDOS wordpress down to stop it

- ty, it was a group effort

- check again sir, im sure you are mistaken

- ok, anyone with two braincells left

- Search needs to be fixed or scrapped

- i need a custom html snippet

- I have no idea

- i think thats a "plugin"

- which costs more

- what!

- nothing

- we talked about the wording of one sentence for 15 minutes

- lol

- pimp my search

- but not the evidence?

- this is free wysiwyg we're dealing with. its probably deliberately dumbed down

- but here is what I can do for custom search

- it should put the custom HTML into the sidebar

- [[Photo]]

- i know

- essentials are done

- its this or sit in bed and loko at the ceiling

- oh jesus

- i didnt mean that

- lol

- shit youre right

- is it a single image

- or a gallery?

- single images are fixed, galleries embiggen

- i can expand it if its too small

- oh, yea

- I can make it bigger

- I can control the image box size

- I probably scaled it because it looked good

- hey semi

- lets just release the santized spreadsheet viewable by link

- thats searchable

- fuck it

- lol

- that would get nasty though

- anonymous comments

- alright

- riot is done

- the throwaway

- cleaningress

- anything i say is a thing

- becomes a thing

- thats how things work

- thats not changeable at this point.

- dampness not withstanding

- so

- the rule tomorrow is

- we drink every time a res says that we are invading their privacy by putting this on a webpage

- I noticed it too

- yea

- it replaces the default style with the custom one

- after loading

- working on it

- Someone is gonna need to make a list

- Cause I'm not fixing that till tomorrow

- Too late now, the computer is super far away

- ok, Im awake

- charlie is still conscious

- You should have an email

- edit doc changes are made

- this makes the backlog worth it

- apparently im going and changing all the single images to galleries

- starting now

- I cant do it selectively or I would have

- if I center that region the agent names get centered too

- I know

- thats another story

- not sure yet

- i mean the other rosters are there

- yea, I think thats the easiest best outcome

- I need that list still

- find me social media posts where niantic mentions the players on the list

- for deadly annotation

- elliot, try just browsing to brokersguild.wordpress.com

- and request access if you dont get in

- all single images are now galleries

- I *think* I got all of jillians changes

- but I am not sure

- it wont matter

- no one can see you except me

- and when it goes public its expunged

- i fixed it

- :)

- i got chris, havent seen elliot

- got you

- hes not going to show us anything

- it will get handled behind closed doors at niantic without any satisfying response ever

- because thats how they do things

- ok, so I added notation for anomaly POCs, vanguards, niantic affiliated, and agent olympiad based on our notes to the main post

- however, I cant support the POC or niantic affiliated statements

- and would like documentation for agent olympiad

- so if someone wants to make a doc with working links for the niantic POC announcements of each of the agents marked, the agent olympiad announcement, etc

- ty, added

- unless I can cite it, I wouldnt publish anyways

- Past

- if we can support it

- alright

- who has the q3 and q4 poc list?

- ok, will do just Q4

- ok

- changed to "current anomaly POC

- and pared down to the 4 ppl I found on the sheet

- I

- I'd love to include Q3 POCs

- if that doc is still up anywhere

- or a copy

- If anyone is still looking for stuff to do

- try breaking the website or finding out who I am from it

- try commenting on anything

- look for doodads and push them

- Amber solved POC attribution problem

- we have a copy of the sheet going back to Helios and will host it sanitized on gdocs

- apparently you can download it from Niantic and unhide the tabs

- ahaha

- yes he is

- Yes, I can pick per link

- no, he has the upper right corner highlighted

- upper left

- let me consider it

- its only 2, one is an active POC

- and the other i dislike personally

- so that might be coloring things

- they were supposed to be the best though

- the best with an advantage

- is kind of important

- changed

- a couple other externals that I could find

- staging?

- once registerested just go to that link

- dont read them

- its all just minor edits to the website

- like buttons removed

- share buttons limited to telegram and G+

- New posts on G+, in your own words. Link to it.

- we've generally not been censoring names

- why?

- ahh

- right, it could be used to idenify WB but isnt WB

- Yea.

- I dont believe that there will be primarily G+ post

- the primary source is the wordpress

- everyone can just share like they were linked it

- I dont think this is happening anymore

- hit counter is borked a bit

- im ok with it being higher

- the thing is

- release is when i turn off private viewing

- so if we make it linkable at all

- its worldwide

- and then bets are off

- well, ppl will also start sharing as soon as its possible

- because they are ppl

- it takes 3-5 minutes for someone to read this and go holy fuck and then want to tell everyone

- then they come back

- and read more

- if someone has a good name for tinyurl

- im ok with it

- otherwise wordpress

- scraper.party

- cleaningress

- we are stuck unportmanteaud

- can you change that still?

- the part after / isnt needed

- and takes to a subpage

- https://tinyurl.com/scrapingfucks

- lol

- anyone can tinyurl

- to it

- but yea

- i think im going to share the original link

- wordpress gives me great metrics as is

- Yea

- Niantic

- You dont need to engage in a witch hunt

- it was me

- Someone tipped off someone and I was contacted by NIA ops

- Right

- charlie wants to be awake for this

- he earned it

- My apologies for not opening the nia ops release for debate, but it was the right thing to do.

- its really positive actually.

- I think in light of whats happened, discussing it with opsec people now is fine. Maybe a show of hands?

- that makes it like 50/50

- so lets stay the course.

- no fucking way

- no fake news today

- lol

- it is?

- dude, thats awesome

- so wtf

- they fold and reopen?

- load the page. riot.one shows it

- niantic cant get control of a url that fast

- someone inside had to do it

- i bet it was "you down this now or youre all fucking banned"

- Yea, it could be show

- Yes, they did.

- preview access to the site

- NiaOps contacted me yesterday, saying that responsible release of the information to them would be the best way to ensure action. Charlie concurred and we gave them early access.

- I see that. At the least notice that it was happening.

- probably a blown call there. im sorry.

- i was the first to message krug

- i believe

- so heres how i see it. Niaops has the list, nia employees are on it, angel investors are on it.

- the ppl whose jobs depend on this give it up right away

- They made no promises, and we were a little sleep starved. I think charlie would have still said wait because its what we said wed do

- can someone text or call charlie some more

- lol, good point.

- If damage control is shutting this whole thing down

- then im ok with damage control

- one thing that does play a factor for me

- is I want to be the one who tells the RES we got them

- not NIA

- [[Photo]]


- im like wonka with the button in the glass elevator

- yes.

- some of us were working while you slept

- brokersguild.wordpress.com

- we are live

- its done

- automagically

- it is

- dude, i did all the things

- the whole backlogged list

- all the images are galleries

- etc etc

- yea, i aded that screenshot

- oh the stats

- consider a moment

- who would be in the best position to leak this and escape unharmed

- slackfarmer

- could play both sides

- nia and res

- you dont know

- but it doesnt matter

- too much evidence too fake

- to

- riot.one now redirects to enl.wtf

- pretty sure enl.wtf is going to be some comparable enl service

- that they are trying to expose

- or somethnig

- ive never heard of it

- no one has shared on G+ to ingress community that I can see

- rounding 10k views

- time for g_+ posts

- someone else did the first

- lol, one of the IL frogs

- was like "we should keep this in private lest it blow up"

- like... no...

- thats not how this is working

- i have exported all content

- i have cleaningress.wordpress.com ready to go if the other goes down

- at themselves or the leak or us?

- its happening

- just slow

- Yea, everythhing is locked down

- for editing commenting

- the site is a monolith

- brian?

- yes youcan

- then he got invited to a slack and joined channels


- just had it shared back to me

- people say dumb things

- People have started

- you should start too

- 101k

- backend has more recent numbers

- 5000 unique visitors

- oh fuck that guy

- please respond with not any more

- 6k visitors, 120k views.

- confirm or deny he was like "holy fucking shit"

- hes responding on and off in at least 1 room

- 7k, 140k. Feels like acceleration

- woah

- uh, no I havent seen anything of the sort

- The cleaningress email has a few thanks yous

- nothing new

- no, I didnt

- they posted a multipage thing to their members this morning

- reminding everyone that they started the guardian hunting monster with good intentions

- like catching spoofers

- People who want to talk about ENL scraping should send any evidence they have to cleaningress@gmail.com and then wait until we have finished talking about the thing that happened

- someone is poking at the wordpress account

- [[Photo]]

- the gmail account is 2FA

- now

- and backed up

- yes

- rgr

- Same

- We did this right

- I left the untoward things. I wouldnt have been a good source anyways. Someone will eventually come forward

- [[Photo]]

- I dont really care atm, but if someone wants to verify I would update the site

- a liar

- {{FWD: Krishean Draconis, 19.10.2017 15:54:33}}
players in my community are submitting cheating reports to make it so niantic can't easily sweep this under the rug

- {{FWD: Krishean Draconis, 19.10.2017 15:55:15}}
lol they're just using screenshots and the support site

- {{FWD: Krishean Draconis, 19.10.2017 15:55:32}}
sending them snail mail would be hilarious though

- 11.5k unique, 210k hits

- interesting, maybe he wasnt in any of the channels

- very

- they found WB

- he seems to admit the game is up

- and if thats really how they found him, covering it up would have involved major data manipulations

- hiding every time stamp

- he has all but said it is

- it does mean that we can tell the WB story now

- @Semiotiq

- 12.8k and 232k

- so someone sent cleaningress a fishing link

- to try to get my IP

- at least, I think it is

- think an anonymous proxy in TOR while VPN'd into Iowa is safe enough?

- what?

- oh, i se

- but I think i should at least open it to be sure

- im so confused

- lol, ok

- [[Webpage]]strandit

- posted but not indexed

- or linked

- did I strike the right tone?

- its possible that they arent running

- I would say, planting guardians now has at least a slightly better chance

- ok, added one last one

- [[Webpage]]https://brokersguild.wordpress.com/mail/

- god fuck

- [[Photo]]

- good thing it was also 2FA

- I dont know

- i can only imagine brute force?

- no

- they got the password

- but tried to login and didnt have 2FA

- Yea

- I recovered it already

- Ye.

- the gmail is 2FA also

- it wasnt accessed except by me

- I did get this

- [[Photo]]

- Around the same time

- I dont know that agent

- almost 15k unique visitors

- Outside of this room, we told Krug.

- We could see the public page and WB told us slack was disrupted

- The public page briefly displayed

- NIA takedown in process

- Can't tell

- Maybe, maybe not

- They can't get data our till they fix it.

- Could still be collecting

- From a RES

- [[Photo]]

- I think it was introspective

- But yeah

- They're trying again

- I did kind of dare them

- "seriouslyfuckyouguys"

- 4 memorable words right xkcd?

- I love that

- You'd didn't expose EVERYONE so you failed and this isn't fair

- People get away with shit.

- Less are getting away with it now than yesterday.

- Yea, I think they got it wrong

- It's res trying to break it

- No question

- I haven't looked

- I bet that's why they jumped the gun

- And grabbed the wrong person

- In my happy place where WB gets off scot free

- I don't think you could get them.

- So Milwaukee

- Where anatomy of a hit happened

- Where's an xfac slack

- Dead silent today

- [[Photo]]

- Boston xfac had a nice productive discussion

- Including two people on the list

- Everyone gets away with speeding so it's ok for me to rob this elderly couple.

- Because at the end of the day "we're both just breaking the law"

- My asshole cousin is recently released from jail

- He robbed an elderly couple.

- He was gone a decade

- I know there is no reason to tell this story

- What I'm saying is that my argument boils down to me being better than my cousin.

- Also that the resistance are like my cousin.

- He's a grown adult and people still call him Danny.

- Thankfully.

- Show us

- Who is niko

- Nice.

- I recently got an Xbox. If Ingress dies, I'll be ok.

- My only regret will be that I didn't build my hovercraft.

- I had a steak and let my kids stay up too late

- Pining for hovercraft

- I figured out why res is so quiet.

- Milwaukee rank and file didn't read the fucking thing

- Just the cheaters and mods

- Gonna have to help fix that

- Nice

- Can I tell you all for a minute

- How proud I am that no one even mentioned the idea of calling this something -gate

- It means a lot to me.

- lol

- But you didn't suggest it

- Which is the important thing

- Oh Jesus

- ::hides in wuff::

- Care to share?

- I'm sorry man

- Fuckers.

- Lol

- Oh hey

- @Semiotiq

- How's your guardian project going today?

- 2 mins ago he was up

- Your mom goes to sleep!

- [[GIF, size 58'991 bytes]]

- Good night, @Semiotiq . Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.

- I'm not sure it's accurate, but it was said that Niantic stopped accepting Intel connections from AWS. If true, we may have actually shut the thing down. For now

- [[GIF, size 230'689 bytes]]

- The only people who knew you were involved work for Niantic.

- This is the email that they sent out to all their members yesterday morning just as it was going public

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- Again not for reshare

- But shows the cognitive dissonance and messaging starting.

- Right.. I hadn't thought of that

- The name itself implies hunting.

- I agree. If they cared about spoofing they could have restricted the tool.

- They cared about hunting and it also allowed them to track spoofing.

- lol, I like the implication there though. They think we are pushing for recharge badges so we can badge spoofers who assist in an anomaly

- Right?

- Um fuck yea, I didn't think those were confirmed.

- Point me to the images and something to make copy.

- ok

- so its reported from the places I am no longer in

- that that bot has been down since RIOT went down

- which could be due to niantic blocking AWS.

- An Amazon cloud computing service.

- [[Webpage]]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpZ8EkK3eWY

- this has been coming to mind

- rgr

- wheres my evidence or links to prove this isnt made up? could we wayback it?

- also, isnt there metadata on these pdfs?

- ahh, ok

- lol

- ok

- I agree that this is all good stuff

- and evidence chain is good

- can we report this to patreon?

- is it against their TOS?

- That might be worth pointing out publicly.

- in fact

- Jerrys screengrab on that G+ post

- may incriminate krug has having prior knowledge

- [[Photo]]

- so krug saw scanner emulation

- guid is right on there

- just saying we can put two and two together

- Yea Jerry posted that shit publicly because he is an idiot

- ok

- [[Webpage]]brokersguild.wordpress.com/follow-the-money/

- Please spot check this before I index

- rgr

- rgr

- I'll put it in the menu with New! tag like mail was

- reddit probably good, and some chat dumps

- lol, thats how I originally did it

- then I unboldened to increase dryness

- but, as far as release

- if there is anything else we want to post today

- they should go up together

- the krug thing is kind of a big deal to me, I think theres story there, but I dont want to do it without major buy in here

- the other option would be whistleblower stories or documenting RES reactions

- ok

- not explicitly

- but maybe tacitly

- ok, its in the menu

- who was on reddit?

- jemstar?

- [[Photo]]

- Now that we crossed into a new day it may be duplicating some of the unique visitors

- actually no.. its not just a total of each days uniques

- 16k yesterday, 11k today, 25k total

- it also called it a new day at UTC0

- sometime yesterday

- Yes

- but I'm trying to find someone to seed it into chats

- i released first twice yesterday

- dont want to make it too obvious

- ty

- yep

- it will be harder to get eyeballs now

- have a good vacation chris

- everything will be fine when you get back

- lol

- jenny will copy it

- I think

- working on it

- fixed

- theyve locked the documents

- yep..

- Right

- broker can probably guess on time stamps. will likely change something and see if we can post it

- [[Photo]]

- Just sharing, no comment. It's not high on my list, maybe others feel differently

- Outgress is powered one user at a time. If you want it killed, I think you do a mass media campaign to stop forwards

- I think niantic's only fix to outgress is to stop email alerts completely.

- Maybe a format change

- Clear?

- I mean, arguable, but I don't think clear.

- Email a link to the info that a user has to login to see?

- Right, if you made it just "plaintext portal name is under attack "

- Nothing else, outgress wouldnt have the data it needs to survive

- Online contacting

- Yea.

- I can get a lawyer/player if we need one

- In the future

- Oh right

- I had a vague sense I was forgetting someone in here

- [[Photo]]

- Is she on the list?


- Matthew 7:12


- do unto others

- such bullshit

- who is vicki

- heh

- oh, i know the agent id

- I was thinking the same

- yes.

- it cant be me?

- You're right, my house wasnt in order

- that history isnt far away

- I'd be happy to write it

- or help

- Maybe a Vanguard

- as mouthpiece

- Hosea 8:7

- Lori

- we have it documented

- She wont do it though

- She stays out of politics

- I mean, I can ask

- but james can ask better

- and I think its still a no

- Post a brilliant G+ post debunking the white hat argument

- nailing them to the cross

- lighting it on fire

- dropping it at krugs house

- The mouthpiece has to be unassailable

- Oliie is both fiery and unassailable

- but I think Cate works. We can provide audience

- thats what this is

- a very practical discussion

- he let it slide to catch spoofers

- i mean, he saw the evidence of it himself.

- unless that image is doctored

- oh

- #ideas
the guardian badge isnt a big deal, focus on strategic play. - then why did 800+ agents participate in a sophisticated system to deny them?

this system was used to catch spoofers - then why is it structured with specific commands for finding someone to kill guardians?

Any noble minded attempts to address spoofing would have been A) xfac, since datahasnocolor and b) shaped to prevent misuse

- WB interview release this weekend I think.

- People are asking what releases tomorrow

- establish a pattern tomorrow

- no one will notice quiet sunday

- Saturday needs something released, imo.

- Let me see what else we have in the material

- oh!

- #ideas
as far as what to do about the situation.

*some* players giving badges inappropriately lead Niantic to respond by removing ALL offsite badging.

Will they follow the same logic in this case?

- [[Photo]]We got mail

- I dont think doing this like recharge is the right move

- a) they'll point to it as factionalizing, say this is our playbook

- b) it deanonymizes us and may prevent future leaks on ENL side.

- Youre not getting invited to ENL.wtf anyways

- but some of us might

- oh!

- if you want a swarm

- make an official release TG channel

- one way with a throwaway owner

- Yea

- Res will subscribe too

- #ideas

If you say you were in the network to detect spoofers, ok, I will believe thats why you joined, and I hate that spoofing happens. It's not an ENL only problem.

But you still failed the test dramatically when you stood by while a massive guardian hunting operation took place before your eyes. The system didnt NEED to have the features that allowed GH to take place in order to catch spoofers. Did you advocate for that change? Did you tell people that you thought this was wrong or off-track from the mission?

- and if you couldnt change it from the inside, it would only take ONE person who put the humanity of their opponents over the loyalty to faction in order to end it.

- We've got mail

- out of order

- hold plz

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Photo]]

- [[Webpage]]http://pastebin.com/BHiXvzNn

- The script

- This is resistance homegrown miniscraper

- Separate from the other system

- Since this represents a whole new story potentially I am going to wipe a few of those that contain the reporting agents identity.

- oh, he says he doesnt care if we use his name.

- Still, precautions

- I have the code and images saved

- Yea, I think its a whole nother thing

- I think when we post the WB interview

- the vetting of 8 people needed to get in

- will remove any claim of accidental joining

- Cate does

- But I think any NIA goodwill goes away once we do that.

- So we need to consider it carefully

- Maybe I should contact them through the throwaway account

- and say jig is up, you should help us

- who is the local

- oh, well the agent isnt going to know more than our source on the inside, right?

- its a recurring crowd funding site

- you pay monthly for access to content. lots of artists use it, developers. V uses it.

- Although theres no acces to anyhing extra on V

- Do you have his email from tangrams?

- DM me

- Yea, I saw him on there

- May I make notes?

- First two paragraphs rewrite

- I have been deeply disturbed by so many of the revelations that have come out of the Brokers Guild story:
The sheer numbers of agents involved, including many that I considered colleagues.
The fundamental disconnect between how my community views this game and how the community leaders in the Brokers Guild view it.

But there is nothing more wrong than the argument I’ve heard in a few places that the Brokers Guild was fundamentally on the side of good, rooting out the location-altering cheating that endangers the soul of Ingress.

- working on the tail

- Augmented reality gameplay is new and exciting territory. Yes, we all put our privacy on the line a bit every day that we play Ingress. But we also get to help define the cultural norms on using one another's location information. There has been some back-and-forth this week about whether x specific feature of #RIOT is technically within bounds of the Ingress TOS. Or claims that Niantic is aware of these TOS violations but tolerates them because they’ve been used to catch spoofers. If that's the case, Niantic can simply say so.

But so much of what is revealed in these screen shots is so far outside of the bounds of moral behavior. No one ends up in a Slack by mistake β€” you have to explicitly accept an invitation, and it is clear that one of the requirements for membership in this Slack was registration with your real agent name, spelling quirks and all. Joining the Brokers Guild was a conscious choice.

And once in, well, you'd see we can all see from these screenshots, in public channels inside that Slack. Guardian hit requests, complete with automated lists of which Brokers live nearby. The deals being brokered were guardian hits, not spoofer stings.

People helping each other set up bot access in other chat platforms to propagate scraped data to their local communities. Agents building portfolios of players whose every move they wanted to stalk.

Somehow, the hundreds of people in that Slack, even if they weren’t all participating, even if they joined with noble intentions, stayed silent about what they saw there.

That is destroying the soul of Ingress.

- @Intoku

- Suggestions all

- ehe

- Yesterday 284k views, 16k visitors. Today, 171k views, 14.5k visitors.

- People came back for the money

- I was hoping this thing from Carolina, but it sounds like its old.

- May not even still be in use

- the proof we have is aged

- and weak by comparison to brokers

- You'd think so...

- But apparently thats not how this works

- Charlie is the deepest into enl scraping of anyone I know.

- [[Document, size 62'680 bytes]]


- a less sophisticated RADAR

- Cactus is V integrated. Anyone who is VL1 or VL2 can log in. Several TGR members are on their docs because they signed up to see and have left.

- We'd have to be careful.

- But it would make for good counterpoint to TBG

- something this side of the fence

- I dont think so, I dont have any more access than I did at V2

- If we wanted to do it but still protect our friends, we could start a rumor that it was leaked once we have all corroborating data in hand.

- I know that seems less severe than we did to the RES

- But might make it more palatable

- people would bail

- then we get remaining members

- io is whole communities

- you can look for your own

- yes

- lol

- "claims with very little to back them up"

- thats horseshit

- A whole page of RES admitting its real tomorrow would be nice

- Every grab we can find

- Right

- Screens, links

- Yes.

- ok, has anyone collected them

- or can find a few quick

- I have a little time to get them documented

- give me links hwere

- @Semiotiq @pongolyn did you store any RES reactions anywhere?

- Found it

- ok, I have some of it

- getting grabs of the ones that pongo put in already

- I know him

- should I include 1017's unsourced claims of chicago ENL cheating?

- its not

- I know both sides

- they are accurate but unlikely to be proven

- ok, I have a good starting place for tomorrows post

- if you see dumb RES reactions, please give me links here, and screen grabs

- I have all the ones on the sheet documented

- Also, we have almost as many unique visitors today as yesterday now

- we are oficially steamrolling

- What a fuck.

- So

- What if Niantic said

- "we don't want the server load from 3-6 competing botnets scraping us"

- We will permit one

- And they just let it go because it's quiet.

- And moderately useful

- And no one else goes and tries to do it

- One perfect database is all the world needs

- I know it's conspiratorial

- Our stuff has been down too.

- Don't know about wtf

- But a bunch of stuff is down

- [[GIF, size 66'504 bytes]]

- {{FWD: Jana D [Chamyra, GER], 20.10.2017 20:40:47}}
[[Webpage]]Google+ Beitrag von Liberty Naud (LibertyBot2)

- {{FWD: Jana D [Chamyra, GER], 20.10.2017 20:40:47}}
There is a very interesting comment by Gideon Hallett.

- Last comment

- So I just found out

- My favorite resistance

- Who is in Boston now, saying goodbye to her favorite res and was going to flip will not be

- Because she was on the list and doesn't think enl will ever trust her

- With her "reputation"

- She told me about the tool before it was public.

- And I know she didn't use it nefariously.

- She was. She knows. I can see the difficulty she has justifying it now.

- I like you

- I know her, I believe her, she thinks what she did what wrong.

- But it's not entirely.

- I acknowledge that

- Part of my difficulty.

- Yea. They all are. But it's either this or they're assholes forever.

- She practically lived in my garage for 4 months around Navarro. She's a wandering artist who fell in with ingressers, she doesn't give a damn about guardians and in over a year she never hit one. She denounced the local spoofer and helped us report him.

- She calls the asshole res out on their shit. And left their hangouts

- I'm not defending it. She fucked up. She shouldnt pretend otherwise

- I'm talking about what to do now

- Also, I knowingly outed this person.

- Like Niko.

- I just mean... I feel bad in a way. Not worried about being found out.

- Ah.

- Yea.

- No, it's ok. I am not looking for a rubber stamp

- Just to talk about it.

- We've got mail

- pulling up the link with throwaway. hold plz

- lol

- its a mymaps

- I made a copy

- in the throwaway account

- [[Photo]]

- Bunch of guardians for "Appastair" presumably

- I dont know

- just guessing

- You know them?

- theres 96 map points here

- I dont think that shitty site does this good a job

- ah

- this is home turf for some people we know

- this could get personal

- ?

- these are distributed over a few hundred miles

- oh!

- I se

- you think this is subterfuge

- a clever rouse

- my maps is pretty generic

- no, they're wrong about that. This doesnt look at all like riot.

- at least not anything we saw

- other than guardian data

- can anyone pull these up to confirm its even accurate?

- the original map

- had 65 views

- thats a lot of refreshing to make a convincing case

- its not enough to do anything about on its own

- yea, if they get killed.

- I can share the copy I made, maybe we can get it into bookmark data and watch?

- Its exportable as KML

- but that doesnt directly become bookmarks

- My copy, 1 view

- their copy 65 views

- Thats a good idea

- RES owned

- I dont know who sent it

- but im checking on map ownership

- if its them.

- ok...

- We've got a full fledged problem on our hands

- its owned by an ENL

- the original map

- We do.

- But now we're going past theory into practice.

- Its an australian I have never heard of

- but they have .rocks and have attended anomalies before

- I think we need to establish some protocols here, to avoid conflicts of interest if we find something unsavory.

- like, I dont think I should give the name till we see what this is, so we can investigate dispassionately.

- Me too. I just dont want anyones personal connections to get in the way of that.

- I still dont think this is enough to go on yet.

- but it could get there.

- Yea.

- We watch the guardians

- see what happens

- oh!

- forgot

- wrong folder

- and i cant see views

- i mean

- cant see who the views were

- ok, changed plan

- moved the map

- new link

- in whistle folder

- I dont know australia ENL well. I have a dozenish contacts and we talk sporadically.

- I want to be careful is all.

- what if its all of them

- or if like SF they are manually tracking

- (not likely given the data)

- we dont see the backend, we dont see who else is involved

- its a map and a name right now

- age?

- {{FWD: Tiernan (NVX) NQ AU, 21.10.2017 00:16:45}}
So there's been RES leaks, and as a result there's been a desire to expose the presumably similar ENL scrapers of the world as well in a similar manner. I don't run such a tool nor am I affiliate with them, but I do run some tools which, just like IITC, do violate the strict letter of the ToS. As operators we've set an arbitrary view on where that line should be and what tools we are and are not comfortable using and that's fine, however rumours of ENL agents wanting to blow open things is concerning to me because I don't know if your opinion on this matter includes eg flipcard databases and portal location information.

As I have absolutely no desire to get caught up in the middle of this sort of thing, anyone suspected of wanting to willingly leak any information on opsec tools as a preventative measure will not have access to any tools I develop.

- Huh.

- Sort of.

- Also means anyone in here could be liable to be removed if that becomes known.

- Nope, he's talking about me.

- He has removed me.

- Nv.io/ingress

- I can login, there are no tools

- So 30 minutes after we get an email from someone anonymous implicating an Australian guardian Hunter I get removed and we get a general warning from an Australian dev.

- No one outside this room knew.

- Tiernans distribution point for plugins

- Someone else who had access login.

- Are any plugins listed?

- Jesus fucking Christ.

- I'm not doing this. This is too sensitive to be done in this room now.

- Yep. Fuck it

- Im out.

- We could have done great things.
.....21.10.2017 00:32:32, Erich Bacher (@thePrevaricator WI, US): >>left group<<