- so offer to just dump the data somewhere and we'll sort it out

- Bring me proof, I'll happily post it too, would be my response.

- ok. I'm going to go ahead and lead with the API key. It's a long shot anyway

- just saying, in the post it has be front and center that we arent being hypocrites.

- That's a loser drum to beat

- Yep

- Erich, can you cobble together a dead simple step by step on how to pull the API key if it's available?

- Ok. A little off tangent so I can understand a little better. How can I get the API key if I ever needed to?

- Yes.

- Haha.

- Lol

- ok thanks. DM it to me and I'll proceed.

- If it's not locked down in a Slack, any user can get it.

- You can't assume it's locked down

- Member list of that channel. Keep in mind that "regular" players may be insulated from this. Keep your witch hunt specific. XD

- yes, good.

- Immediately checks njfrogs slack

- [[Webpage]]1. log into slack in the browser.
2. go to https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
3. Look for a button associated to that slack that says Create Token
DO NOT CLICK if it says Request Token
4. copy/paste it here.

- lol checking Aurora slack

- ok, request submitted to whistle.

I'm gonna grab a quick shower, bbs


- Lol
.....17.10.2017 13:43:56, AnAmerican: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- πŸ˜‚
.....17.10.2017 13:46:00, Kim (hardcandy37) Pelletier: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- welp, looks like a token can be made

- Hahaha


- Lol jk
.....17.10.2017 13:46:56, SCLori: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<
.....17.10.2017 13:47:04, Amber Yeary: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- All your OPs are belong to us!

- Most of my slacks are the same..

- Lot of dirty laundry in Aurora?

- No more than any other SouthEast Fielding group with 100+ members

- Nah just funny cause honestly njfrogs api token was open too

- Ok, this is quite amazing. Waiting for new developments. In agreement with steps outlined so far.

- All the anomaly slack secure? :p

- Busy day at work, but I can't wait to catch up with this backlog....

- It would be better if we could also implicate ENL suspects as well, to avoid the NO U arguments of which RES are so fond

- same thought.

- and also maybe...maybe build XFAC support prior to release.

- That would put the whistleblower at risk

- Not if we could make sure to get support from completely uninvolved RES
.....17.10.2017 14:00:39, Bishop 1315409: >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- So think about how this would look and feel though

- That's the risk. They would know the context and could guess the source

- The real-world reprocussions of leaking an enl chat like this. Again, I don't know of one, but if I did.

- I would tell everyone if I had proof

- It would be a bloodbath all around.

- Michelle had proof, but she deletes her TG every month

- I personally am not connected enough to know about the ENL version of this, so there must be RES who would not know the context of this slack and not be able to identify the source

- We know it happens on our side.

Two years ago Quarkgent gave me a tour of a web-based tool with a very slick GUI

- And if you leaked it, even to coincide with a res take down, you'd never be forgiven.

- I don't care

- Yes, I think I could live with that. OG people mostly hate me already anyway.

- I was a baby at the time and didn't really know what I was looking at.

- PS the tiny whistle looks like an inflated condom
.....17.10.2017 14:05:38, Aneristic (PHL): >>unsupported service message type: messageActionChatJoinedByLink<<

- So my point is that if this thing got big enough, all you'd do is prove to everyone that cheating was noIrmalized.

- it's a steam whistle!

- Now that you've said that, that's all I can see

- Thanks

- Yw

- Yes. It would be a useful thing to do.

- Agreed

- It would be hilarious

- So your plan would be to show Niantic that cheating is so ingrained in both factions that the only option is to change the guardian badge?

- Or formally define what is and isn't allowed

- It would be a useful datapoint in ongoing conversations on topics like, say 'hey, stop making game dynamics that are hypervulnerable to this well-documented instituational cheating problem you have'

- Which they steadfastly avoid doing

- They need to admit that the metaphorical emperor is naked

- Balls out

- We can achieve three things here:

1) We can disrupt a bunch of influential RES on an individual basis. They'll either have to own it or deny it, and both will be sort of fun to watch.

2) We can change the gamewide conversation on issues that involve scraping. Like the individual bad actors, Niantic will either have to own it or ignore it, and both would be amusing to watch.

3) We can disrupt RES nationally for a brief period, and since we control the timing we can use that strategically.

- I love the idea of strategic timing, and taking measured steps. But I'd argue that, if the 900 members number is an accurate figure, our timeline of exclusive access might be short. That seems like an awful lot of people to keep something this toxic quiet for very long.

- If you leaked just what you know about the res, yes.

When you start talking about enl also, the calculus changes dramatically

- Depending on who's a member in there, it's going to be ugly when the shit hits the fan

- This is undoubtedly old, as is ours

- Yeah, I don't think it was formed over night

- I am thinking about this too

- But if it's been going on that long and this is the first time there's a leak? Again, I get suspicious.

- I'm not involved in ours, that I know of, so I have no idea of the scope/scale. Are there really potentially that many people subscribed/involved on our side? It just seems like such a huge number to me.

- Yes, that seems valid. Once we get data, we'll have to think about how long we can hold it.

- The amount of work to fake what we've seen to date is Titanic.

- Yes, although I know nothing about it

- It's not, really. This is very likely the same codebase as was exposed in PNW in April. Russell.

- Fair enough.

- I can imagine a res "double your efforts troops! response in Chicago, in addition to a balls out attempt to find any and all dirt on whatever our side is doing

- Just on a larger platform. The PNW evidence was from a localized hangout. What we're hearing about sounds global.

- It's honestly possible that both factions are pulling data from the same, suspiciously accurate DB

- I think it's likely that both the bot and the database are not local.

- This would be ironic

- Or only exist locally.

- And I am not saying this is necessarily negative, but should we consider local fallout?

- I think that was discussed in the initial TGR chat. Iirc, the consensus was that they deserved to be outed

- My biggest concern with fallout is that any of us who really push the thing hard might get targeted on an infoSec basis. cracker-based digging.

- Pfft. Let them dig for me. They have before.

- Globally? I'm sure.

- Any enl tool leak will be treated in the harshest terms by much of our own faction, even if exposing scraping.

- Yep. It's the sort of action that permanently labels a person.

- You mean just hunting? How else? I am genuinely asking.

- I'm just kind of finally catching up here. What is it that we want to do with Reddit? I have a couple of alts but not any that have posted on /r/ingress

- Being the whistleblower, I think

- Leaking tools is a sacred cow to a lot of influential people. If any of us publicly exposed an ENL scraping tool and named names, the whistle blower would be crucified.

- And it's too late to anonymize.

- I bet things could be arranged so that a drunk Quarkgent blows his own whistle